Monday, January 6, 2014

Summit Interview with Simon Heaton

1. Give us a short description of your job, scope and team: I have the privilege to work with the Walmart US Field and Sam’s Club US Field teams. We recruit into facility and market level roles in the US. We have a team of 14 in total supporting around 2000 hires per annum.
2. Tell us about you  (home town, residence, family, education, etc) I am British, born on the south coast of England in a seaside town called Weymouth. I have lived in lots of different places – most recently, Canada, US, Hong Kong and now the US again. I am married to Lina who is Colombian and we have a daughter Sofia who is almost 3 who was born in the US. I have just (almost) finished an Executive MBA which I took whilst in Hong Kong and have the SPHR designation.
3. How did you get into recruiting? I followed an old boss who was my Area Manager when I worked in Retail Financial Services. She joined a recruitment agency and made me an offer I could not refuse!
4. How many years have you been in recruiting? Almost 17
5. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you? When I lived in Canada among many of the things I did was drive a 15 passenger van and provided shuttles from Calgary Airport to a ski resort in British Columbia.
6. What are your top 3 goals you hope you and your team accomplish in the next year? a) Use data and analytics b) get a better understanding of the secret sauce that makes successful managers in Walmart and Sam’s Clubs c) Develop simpler and easier channels to identify and attract people who demonstrate “the secret sauce” d) Support a reduction in management turnover from the current levels
7. What do you like most about your current job? What do you dislike? I love recruiting, it is fun that you get paid for! Meeting people, helping them build their career and helping Walmart find people that will help us continue to grow and develop as a company. I dislike it when we get it wrong and people move to Walmart and do not enjoy the experience or we do not think they fit in. We need to get better at this!
8 Do you have a work pet peeve in yourself or others? No comment!
9. What is the best thing for you about working for Walmart? The sheer scale of the business. It amazes me every day that in just over 50 years we have grown from a tiny acorn in rural Arkansas to the world’s largest retailer.
10. When does the day start for you? 5am, out for a run with our dog, Roger.
11. When you are off work how you do relax? I used to say, skiing, mountain biking, white water kayaking, running and travel – that was before Walmart and before Sofia! Now, I like to hang out with Sofia and dream about skiing. I hope to get a few runs in this year!
12. Can you give us a few unchecked items on your Life’s Bucket List:
Visit the North and South Pole, climb Kilimanjaro, ski 100 days in a season and be able to afford Sofia’s college education!
13. If you could have dinner with some notable person dead or alive – who would it be and why? Margaret Thatcher – she is one Iron Lady! I think Thatcher was a great leader, the first woman Prime Minister in the UK and someone who challenged the status quo!
14. What was your top take-a-way from the 2013 Global Walmart Recruiting Summit? We need to work together and not re-invent the wheel!
15. f you had a Magic Genie and one wish; what one project on your plate would you ask for help on? Working processes more efficiently.
16. Fill in the blank____: “I’ve been fortunate to: Meet Lina and have a wonderful daughter Sofia – she changed our lives!
17. Where do you spend most of your disposable income? Hmm, good question. It used to be on bikes, skis and other fun things. Now it is my 529 plan for Sofia!
18. What one book would you recommend to colleagues to read? Chasing Stars by Boris Groysberg
19. What is your biggest productivity challenge?’’ The lack of connectivity between systems.
20. Do you have one internet tool / smart-phone app that you cannot do without? LinkedIn Recruiter
21. One word to sum me up: Can I phone a friend?

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