Monday, January 6, 2014

Summit Interview with Michael Cox

1. Give us a short description of your job, scope and team: My role at Walmart encompasses two of my passions.  I am fortunate to lead the Talent Acquisition team for Walmart eCommerce as well as serve as the Sr. HR Business Partner for  Both roles allow me to contribute to the building of talent density, the achievement of company goals, the engagement of our associates across Walmart and to improve the performance of Walmart eCommerce to better help our customers save money so they can live better regardless of the channel of choice.
2. Tell us about you  (home town, residence, family, education, etc) I originally grew up in Kentucky but have lived in six states as well as Australia.  I have an undergrad degree in Business Administration and an MBA.  Today I live in San Jose, CA.  I am very active in the community and HR profession.  I am on the Board of Directors for the Bay Area HR Executive Council.  I have participated in a bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles raising funds for the fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS eight times – five times as a crew person and 3 times as a cyclist.  I love the outdoors and spend some portion of every weekend hiking in the surrounding countryside.
3. How did you get into recruiting? The majority of my career has been in the role of HR Business Partner.  At Bank of America, I was given the opportunity to lead the Staffing Function for the Consumer Bank’s Customer Service and Technology areas.  I love recruiting because it is so mission critical to the business and the outcome of your efforts are immediately visible and measureable. 
4. How many years have you been in recruiting? In a recruiting leadership capacity – 6 years.  But as an HR business partner, I saw my role there as also being recruiting focused so that would make it a total of over 20 years.
5. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you? I grew up in a very small town in Kentucky.  There were 80 people in my graduating class and I was class president both my junior and senior years. 
6. What are your top 3 goals you hope you and your team accomplish in the next year? Continue to build the attractiveness of the employment brand in the Silicon Valley’s technology community.  To continue making Walmart an inclusive workplace where the best talent can do their best work.  To help build the best Talent Acquisition team for Walmart eCommerce where other companies look to us for best practices and top recruiting talent.
7. What do you like most about your current job? What do you dislike? Our laser focus on our mission and our values.  I have never worked for a company where there has been such alignment.  What I dislike – the negative media and social media perspective on Walmart as an employer.   I love talking to people and “enlightening” them on the Real Walmart.
8. Do you have a work pet peeve in yourself or others? I don’t have a lot of pet peeves but I would have to say one big one for me is people who are “I” focused.  People are all about themselves – all show and not much action.
9. What is the best thing for you about working for Walmart? The people I get to work with every day – not just in San Bruno but in Bentonville and globally.  We have an amazing talent base at Walmart.
10. When does the day start for you: My commute is an hour in the mornings so I am up at 5:00 a.m. and try to be in the office by 7:15 – unless of course there is an earlier call or video conference that morning.
11. When you are off work how you do relax?
Hiking, road biking, social activities with friends, attending theater events and concerts, community service – oh and eating out, lots of eating out. 
12. Can you give us a few unchecked items on your Life’s Bucket List: Travel to Asia (Thailand, Japan, etc.).  A multi-day backpacking hike in the mountains.  Learn to snow-ski.
13. If you could have dinner with some notable person dead or alive – who would it be and why?
Nelson Mandela.  I have always admired his character, his ability to forgive, and his leadership.   I would like to understand his thoughts on leading a country and a people out of the turmoil as he did.
14. What was your top take-a-way from the 2013 Global Walmart Recruiting Summit? We have an amazing team of recruiting professionals.  We owe it to ourselves to leverage each other and the work we have done.  The wheel has been created – we need to work together to make it better.  We have the talent to do that – now we just need to make the time.
15. If you had a Magic Genie and one wish; what one project on your plate would you ask for help on?
I would ask the Genie to help implement the tools and technology that we need to be more efficient as a business and to create the associate and candidate experience we need to be an employer of choice.   I would also slide in a request that the court of public opinion be swayed to see the value that Walmart brings to our global community.
16. Fill in the blank: “I’ve been fortunate to_________: have had a broad range of experiences and been exposed to a wide-variety of people.  It has helped me be more compassionate and open to exposure to people that otherwise I may have missed.  Having grown up in a conservative community in the South while at the same time knowing I was/am Gay caused me to have an open mind and heart which has served me well in understanding people.
17. Where do you spend most of your disposable income: This is easy – travel and entertainment.  Movies, theater, concerts, etc.
18. What is your biggest productivity challenge? So for the MBTI – my type is a “P” so I take life as it comes.  However with work, you sometimes have to be more of “J”.  So I say, I am a closet “P”.  I know I need lists, deadlines, organization and priorities – but it is not my natural style.
19. Do you have an internet tool / smart-phone app that you cannot do without? Yes, actually two – FitBit and GymPact.  They both motivate me to stay physically active. 
20. One word to sum me up: Thankful

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