Tuesday, July 2, 2013

2013 Post-Summit Feedback; Overview of Top Takeaways

We value the 2013 post-Summit feedback and appreciate those that were able to respond to the feedback survey.  Please find below a summary of the feedback. A link to the entire survey results can be found at: http://bit.ly/13oN22J
 Quick Overview of the top- take-a-ways from the survey results:
1) 92%: Overall, the value of the 2013 summit was very good or excellent.
2) 84%: Overall, the content of the sessions was appropriate and informative
3) Comments about “what did you like most about the summit?”
  • Collaborating with other teams – learning about their projects and best practices
  • Networking
  • Knowledge Sharing, sharing best practices across teams.
  • Meeting other colleagues from around the world and building links
  • Interactive Sessions vs. just presentations
4) Comments about “what did you like least about the summit?”
  • Room was cramped
  • Summit was too short to justify so long of travel
  • Not enough time to share more from each country
  • Lack of true actionable projects we left with
  • Need more networking time
5) Suggestions on how the summit could be improved?
  • Bigger room
  • Ensure all teams have time to share
  • Send out the summit discussion topics and “pre-work to do” before the start of summit
  • Some discussion topics are too big
  • Send out “RTP” “Request to Present” to solicit for presenters and topics from the field.
  • More informal networking time.
  • A summit leader to drive and direct conversations, create actionable projects and get past just talking about problems – let’s get to solutions.
  • Do not have summit during shareholders – too much going on.
  • Bring in one activity from outside for professional development
  • Improve the collaboration with and attendee experience of those attending virtually
6) Top Topics for 2014 Summit (garnered 55% or more):
  • Developing a Recruiting Strategy
  • Employment Branding
  • Avature (Contact Management tool)
  • Recruiting Organizational Structure
  • Social Media
  • Creating a Sourcing Team

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